Bigfoot interactive produce video audio and multimedia contents for television, commercials and film industries. Our aim is offering our costomers the best solutions with the better service using brain and creativity at once.
3D Animation Production Rendering Post Production
Windows Kinect App 3D Games / App Platform supported: Windows, Mac, Linux
Tools & 3D assets for game development Unity3D Plugins
Smartphone & Tablet Games / App Platform supported: Ios, Android, Windows phone 8 Augmented Reality App & Game
X-Rat is a labyrinth/arcade game full of action and logic.
AppAdvice said that: "X-Rat Takes Labyrinth Gaming To New Levels" review .
Slide To Play said: "It may look like a cute little puzzler, but this game isn’t for the faint of heart" review
Tethis has three business areas, two dealing with the development and sale of equipment for manufacture of nanomaterials and one focusing on the technological development of endproducts based on nanostructured films.
Olio Carli centenary video. Carli is a market leader in Italy thanks to the quality of its products,customer service and to its exclusive sales system.